Subject-Predicate (Class Activity)
Subject-Verb (Class Activity)
Assessment: Subject-Verb and Subject-Predicate
Assessment : Vocabulary (Class Activity)
Practice Spelling 4 Times (Class Activity) and also Make Sentences
Your analysis about the article(Class Activity)
Please write your analysis, like what you think the article is talking about.
What Would You Do? (Role-Playing & Discussion)
This is a class activity. Scenarios: A student is being left out of group activities and sits alone at lunch. What can you do? Someone in your class spreads a mean rumor about another student online. How can you help stop it? A popular student is making fun of a classmate’s clothes. What are different […]
Write a Letter
Activity: Write a Letter (Empathy & Reflection) Instructions: Choose two of the following prompts and write a short letter. Option 1: Write a letter to a student experiencing bullying. Offer advice and encouragement. Option 2: Write a thank-you letter to a friend who stands up for others. Option 3: Write about a time you saw […]
Week 1 : Vocab Assessment Review(15 minutes)
Please provide students’ feedback and mark it done in answer form. Students should do this assignment with a timer.
Assessment Week 2: Subject-Verb (Class Activity)
Week 2 Assessment: The assessment will be conducted in class, and feedback will be provided online through the assessment assignment. It will be only 15 minutes activity.